Pet Microchipping
This virtually painless procedure takes just seconds and provides a permanent means of ID for your pet, allowing for a safe return home should they go missing. Read below to learn more

Dyer County Animal Hospital Pet Microchip
Read below to learn more about our pet microchipping service!

A microchip is a tiny device which contains unique identifying information about a pet. It is approximately the size of a grain of rice and contains a code that corresponds to the contact information of the pet owner. This allows missing cats/dogs to be returned to their rightful home as quickly as possible.
The microchip is inside a needle that is inserted between the shoulder blades, where it cannot be removed or damaged. Once the microchip is in, it is there forever, keeping your pet safe and secure. If your pet ever needs to be identified (for instance, if it has run off and been picked up by the authorities), any vet will be able to find the microchip using a handheld scanner.